Educator/Rescue Consultant RoadwayRescue LLC Annandale, New Jersey
David Dalrymple, AIETecRI, FF/EMT/RescueTech: No financial relationships to disclose
Have we left someone behind today in our efforts at MVCs? Vehicle Extrication today needs to be strategic, weakening the vehicle structure and release crash energy absorbed by the vehicle structure. The importance is large space first time out so to think outside of the box maximize your space making efforts. Patient centered care needs to return to the level of it once was importance wise. Hands on care in the environment from the EMS providers should be the norm not the exception. New devices to assist in disentanglement need to be brought forward and used. Coordinated Vehicle Rescue should be Best Practices across the country if not the globe. Intertwined EMS & Rescue Services functions that occur simultaneously is the Best Practice. This is the basis we should ALL should strive for today and work from once we are there. I will discuss what should be Best Practices Operationally for EMS providers in the environment of Today’s MVC. Patient management, mitigation, PPE, safety of both the patient and provider are all part of this and have changed in the recent past decade.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion the participants will be able to describe and identify the steps for power isolation in a vehicle at Today’s MVC.
Upon completion the participants will be able to describe Rescue Real Estate, SAMURAILASER and Coordination of the stages of Vehicle Rescue
Upon completion the participants will be able to describe the PPE needed to be worn to work safely in the MVC environment.