EMS/Public Health Consultant N/A HARRISBURG, Pennsylvania
Raphael M. Barishansky, DrPH: No financial relationships to disclose
There was no greater leader and strategist than Chinese military general Sun Tzu. His seminal text, the Art of War, is considered a masterpiece of strategy that presents a philosophy for managing conflicts and winning battles. His book, which details a complete philosophy on how to decisively defeat one’s opponent, was based on a holistic approach to strategy. This approach is especially relevant to today’s marketplace, where EMS is “under attack” and we need to develop strategy for survival like Sun-Tzu did.
The lessons of Sun Tzu have stood the test of time and have taught generations of leaders the fundamentals of being an effective leader, in areas such as conflict management, developing organizational strategy and the importance of interpersonal relationships.
This session will review these, and other, lessons and assist you in defining expectations of leadership as well as living up to your own personal leadership potential.
Learning Objectives:
Describe the threats to your EMS agency, knowing how to reframe your agency and the services it delivers, as well as lead your agency into the future
Define personal power (beyond your positional authority) and how to effectively use it in your leadership role
Identify and manage conflict prior to it becoming destructive to your EMS agency